




  • 학회문헌
  • 논문집
pISSN: 1229-2532

한국농촌건축학회논문집, Vol.20 no.2 (2018)

- 아파트 발코니 확장에 따른 전용공간의 변화에 관한 연구 - 전용면적 85㎡형 공동주택을 대상으로 - -


(영남이공대학교 토목건축학부 건축과 조교수)

The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure and use change of the private space according to the balcony expansion and use it as the data of plan design. According to Bay, front length/width ratio and the change of balcony space before and after expansion of space organization of house units were analyzed. Common characteristics of Flat type and Tower type are an increase of the frontage length of house units in an apartment, an increase of the number of front bay, and an increase of integrated LDK focusing on living room. A difference is that Flat type shows high frontage ratio, Bay figure, and spatial arrangement favorable to front openness and lighting. Flat type shows higher area distribution than Tower type in LDK area distribution located in at the plane center. Spatial expandability and visual openness of Flat type are more beneficial than those of Tower type in the planning, and a balcony extension of house units has developed to direction to open more. Tower type creates various block images through a combination of house units focusing on the core. Uses after balcony expansion are area expansion of a balcony-neighboring room, storage space, expansion and function improvement of the variable range, and specialized space different from a neighboring room. In addition, there is no escapable space except for a shelter, so unit plan should be prepared to prevent using it other space of a shelter and to solve moving line of two-way horizontal refuge and vertical refuge.

다운로드 리스트