




  • 학회문헌
  • 논문집
pISSN: 1229-2532

한국농촌건축학회논문집, Vol.20 no.3 (2018)

- 인구감소에 따른 농촌지역 거점형 중심지 공공시설 입지 및 운영방안 개선에 관한 실증적 연구 -


(조선대 건축학과, 겸임교수, 공학박사)


(조선대 행정복지학부, 교수, 행정학박사)

This study investigated the public use of Myeon Location in Jeollanam - do where the population is at risk of declining. And discussed the rational provision and coordination of public facilities as a guarantee of fundamental rights. As a result of the study, the rational supply and adjustment directions of public facilities are as follows. First, there are problems such as high availability of management, finance, shopping, and health facilities, lack of culture, leisure, community facilities, and weakening of center function. Therefore, in the continuing declining population situation, face management, safety and health facilities should be upgraded to multifunctional facilities, and utilization efficiency and integration should be promoted. In addition, town center rehabilitation should be centered on multifunctional facilities. In addition, elementary schools will have to utilize and preserve them to take advantage of local cultural values as nostalgia storing place that provide incentives for young people and elementary school children in the future. Second, in order to cope with population decline, public facilities need to strengthen public services through complexity and multifunctionality, wide-area operation with neighboring areas, and user-centered operation management.
  농촌중심지,면소재지,공공시설,인구감소,중심지 기능

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