




  • 학회문헌
  • 논문집
pISSN: 1229-2532

한국농촌건축학회논문집, Vol.21 no.2 (2019)

DOI : 10.14577/kirua.2019.21.2.35

- 노후 저수지 보강을 위한 환경 친화적 그라우팅 주입재 적용에 관한 기초연구 -


(전주비전대학교 교수, 공학석사)


(정선이엔씨(주) 대표이사, 공학석사)


(㈜대웅 기술이사, 공학석사)


(㈜지안산업 연구소장, 공학석사)

There are 17,427 reservoirs in Korea, of which about 96% were built before the mid 1980s. Therefore, aging is severe and reinforcement are necessary. In addition, aged reservoirs, which are more than 50 years old, account for 70% of the total. Therefore, there is a problem such as the collapse of the reservoir and the decrease of the storage capacity due to progress of aging with time. The grouting method using cement is mainly used as maintenance and reinforcement method of old reservoir. However, the grouting method using cement has engineering and environmental problems. In order to solve the engineering and environmental problems of cement grouting method, an eco-friendly grouting material was developed that mixes circular resource grouting binder, high molar ratio sodium silicate and colloidal silica. The engineering and environmental properties of the developed injection materials were evaluated by conducting gel time, homo-gel strength, sea water resistance test and environmental stability evaluation. Also, examined the possibility of replacing OPC existing aged reservoir reinforcement methods. As a result, it was found out that it was better than the conventional cement method in terms of engineering and environment. However, since this study is the result of laboratory test, it is necessary of verify the application at field of aged reservoir.
  순환자원,노후 저수지,무시멘트,그라우팅 결합재,그라우팅공법

다운로드 리스트