




  • 학회문헌
  • 논문집
pISSN: 1229-2532

한국농촌건축학회논문집, Vol.22 no.3 (2020)

DOI : 10.14577/kirua.2020.22.3.1

- 중국 구이저우성(貴州) 자오싱(肇兴) 촌락(侗寨) 경관문맥 평가 -


(우석대학교 대학원 조경건설공학과 박사과정)


(우석대학교 조경학과 교수, 임학박사)


(우석대학교 대학원 조경건설공학과 박사과정)

This paper takes Zhaoxing Dong village in Guizhou Province as the research object. The purpose is to study the continuity of landscape context in Dong Village. The research process includes specification on the evaluation system of Dong village landscape context by AHP method, and use of the questionnaire survey method in sequence, according to the specific situation of Zhaoxing Dong village, and this study develops a specific questionnaire that modifies the evaluation system suited to reflect specific problems. Through the analysis of the specific questionnaire and recycling in Zhaoxing Dong village, this study found that Zhaoxing Dong village as a whole is over commercialized due to the vigorous development of tourism service industry. As a result, whether it is experts, foreign tourists or local villagers, the rating of the village landscape is low. There are three problems in the village landscape context: historical continuity, invisible cultural heritage and contradiction in protection and development. The results of this paper provides a future direction for the protection and inheritance of Zhaoxing Dong village.
  동족(侗族),자오싱(肇兴) 촌락,경관문맥,평가,Zhaoxing(肇兴) Village

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